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How to Ice a Knee

Posted by Bold Apps on

  The most recommended immediate treatment following a soft tissue injury to the knee is R.I.C.E. the acronym for: REST  ICE  COMPRESSION  ELEVATION Rest Do not perform any motions which cause pain.  Each time pain is felt, the knee injury is continuing and delaying healing. Protect your injury. Ice Apply ice for 15-20 minutes to the injured area at least 2 to 3 times a day.  It is important not to ice longer than 15-20 minutes at a time.  Longer periods can produce skin irritation (cryoburn) and also damage underlying tissues.  The icing reduces swelling by constricting the fluids the body rushes...

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Heat vs Ice for Injuries

Posted by Cold One Customer Care on

Hot, Cold, and Compression Therapy for InjuriesCharles H. Booras, M.D.Co-Founder and Editor, Jacksonville Medical Park The modalities of hot, cold and compression have a very appropriate role in the treatment of most injuries. The immediate result of almost all injuries involving the soft tissues (muscles tendons and ligaments) includes pain, possible bleeding, and a leakage of fluid from damaged tissues into the area. Afterwards, there is a migration of white blood cells into the region of the injury. For this reason it is common to have inflammation, swelling and stiffness following an injury. The healing process requires increased blood flow into the...

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Stop Plantar Fasciitis Pain

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Plantar Fasciitis Cold Compression Therapy Treatment                      Provides Immediate Relief and Speeds Healing Freeze Wrap and Wear Twice  a Day for 15-20 Minutes   If you have been diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis you know how painful it is. Whether you are an athlete or not, it's probably affecting your performance or daily life. Treat your Plantar Fasciitis with a Cold One wrap to speed up your recovery time by reducing the heel pain and heel swelling. By combining the cold compression therapy wrap with stretching and strengthening your return to participation and an active life will occur sooner.  ...

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Stop Knee Pain

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STOP KNEE PAIN IN 20 MINUTES, WITHOUT DRUGS, THE WAY DOCTORS RECOMMEND  Orthopedic Doctors and Clinics Recommend Ice To Control Knee Pain and Swelling.  The Cleveland Clinic and The Mayo Clinic. Knees are the most common reported injuries with immediate symptoms of: Pain Swelling Moderate to Severe Knee Instability Loss of Function Discoloration There are a many possible reasons your knee may be hurting.     Common reasons for knee pain include: sprained ligaments strained muscles or tendons meniscus (cartilage) tears tendonitis runner's knee arthritic knee The knee is a complex joint, and there's plenty more that can go wrong. It...

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Sprains vs Strains

Posted by Cold One Customer Care on

  Questions and Answers About Sprains and Strains This booklet contains general information about sprains and strains, which are both very common injuries. Individual sections describe what sprains and strains are, where they usually occur, what their signs and symptoms are, how they are treated, and how they can be prevented. If you have further questions, you may wish to discuss them with your health care provider. This booklet contains general information about sprains and strains, which are both very common injuries. Individual sections describe what sprains and strains are, where they usually occur, what their signs and symptoms are,...

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